Astronomy Research Group is in charge in developing astronomy, astrophysics, space science, and other sciences of similar nature. In addition to that, Astronomy Research Group is also in charge in developing lecturer’s career, developing lectures, executing research programs and community services, and expanding scholarly networks in coordination with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Observatorium Bosscha.
Astronomy Research Group is divided into three subgroups. Firstly, the subgroup of Galaxies and Cosmology that researches the study of structure, dynamics, distribution, evolution, and clusters of galaxies and active galaxies (quasars), and the finding of dark matters, theoretical cosmology and observational cosmology. Secondly, the subgroup of Physics of Stars that researches theoretical studies such as numerical modelling of stellar and atmospheric structure; observational studies like photometry and spectroscopy; and development of data acquisition and processing system of CCD-based astronomical instrumentation. Thirdly, the subgroup of Solar System that researches the physics of sun, the study of dynamic and evolution of asteroid, the study of atmospheric structure of planets in the solar system and extrasolar planets.
Currently, there are 18 members of Astronomy Research Groups. Either individually or in team, Astronomy Research Group members conduct the research corresponding to the research’s road map. The result of the research is publicised in scientific communities in the form of seminar presentations and journal articles. Throughout 2016, Astronomy Research Group has made published more than 20 articles. Not only that, the group members are also actively participated as committees, moderators, or reviewers for symposiums, national, or international conferences, and actively participated in expertise activities as visiting lecturer, spokesperson, hilal observation team, science olympiad judging team, and preparational team for National Observatory and NTT Science Center. On top of that, Astronomy Research Group is also involved in several community service programs such as socializing full solar eclipse phenomenon on March 9, 2016, “You are Galileo!”, and human resource training for Kupang Science Center.
Kelompok Keilmuan (KK) Astronomi turut mengembangkan ilmu astronomi, astrofisika, ilmu luar angkasa, dan ilmu lain yang berhubungan dengan astronomi. Selain itu, Kelompok Keilmuan (KK) Astronomi juga bertugas mengembangkan kemampuan dosen, mengembangkan perkuliahan, melaksanakan program penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, memperluas jaringan keilmuan yang berkoordinasi dengan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam serta Observatorium Bosscha. KK Astronomi dibagi menjadi tiga subkelompok yaitu Galaksi dan Kosmologi yang meneliti studi tentang struktur, dinamika, distribusi, evolusi, dan gugus galaksi dan galaksi aktif (quasar), serta penemuan materi gelap, kosmologi teoretis, dan kosmologi observasional. Subkelompok kedua adalah Fisika Bintang yang meneliti studi teoritis seperti pemodelan numerik struktur bintang dan atmosfer; studi observasi seperti fotometri dan spektroskopi; serta pengembangan sistem akuisisi dan pemrosesan data instrumentasi astronomi berbasis CCD. Dan yang ketiga adalah subkelompokTata Surya yang meneliti fisika matahari, kajian dinamika dan evolusi asteroid, kajian struktur atmosfer planet-planet di tata surya, dan planet ekstrasurya. Saat ini terdapat 18 anggota KK Astronomi yang menghasilkan penelitian-penelitian dan dipublikasikan di komunitas ilmiah dalam bentuk presentasi seminar dan artikel jurnal. Sepanjang tahun 2016, KK Astronomi telah mempublikasikan lebih dari 20 artikel. Tidak hanya itu, anggota KK juga berperan aktif sebagai panitia, moderator, atau reviewer simposium, konferensi nasional, maupun internasional, serta aktif mengikuti kegiatan keahlian sebagai dosen tamu, juru bicara, tim pemantau hilal, tim juri olimpiade sains, dan persiapan. Tim Observatorium Nasional dan Pusat Sains NTT. Selain itu, KK Astronomi juga terlibat dalam beberapa program pengabdian masyarakat seperti sosialisasi fenomena gerhana matahari penuh pada 9 Maret 2016, “You are Galileo!”, Dan pelatihan sumber daya manusia untuk Kupang Science Center.