Kelompok Keilmuan Inderaja dan Sains Informasi Geografis actively conducts academic activities each year. Lately, the activities include workshops and seminars about the latest geospatial technology, e.g. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Mobile Mapping System (MMS). Several public lectures were also held, involving various academicians and practitioners. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science Research Group also collaborates with private sectors, governments, and higher education institutes, e.g. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences; Center for Spatial Analysis, University of Oklahoma, USA; Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand; Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, Japan; PASCO Corporation, Japan and Faculty of Anthropology, Stanford University, USA. On top of that, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science Research Group contributes actively in the government’s mission in developing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and national mapping.Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science Research Group is one of the research groups in Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology. Currently, the group consists of twelve personnels, and is supported by two associate researchers.Generally, the field of expertise of the research group is divided into two main branches: geospatial processing and geospatial. Geospatial processing includes close-range photogrammetry, active remote sensing, and environmental remote sensing; while geospatial modelling consists of spatial database, geospatial data fusion, and national spatial data infrastructure. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science Research Group also has three research sub-divisions, namely Land and Ocean Observing System (LaOOS), Geospatial Data Infrastructure System (GeoDIS) and 3D-Modelling and Information System (3D-MODIS).
Kelompok Keilmuan Inderaja dan Sains Informasi Geografis secara aktif menyelenggarakan kegiatan akademik setiap tahunnya. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain adalah workshop dan seminar tentang teknologi geospasial terkini, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dan Mobile Mapping System (MMS). Beberapa kuliah umum juga diadakan, melibatkan berbagai akademisi dan praktisi. KK ini juga bekerja sama dengan sektor swasta, pemerintah, dan lembaga pendidikan tinggi, misalnya Pusat Penelitian Internasional Jepang untuk Ilmu Pertanian; Pusat Analisis Spasial, Universitas Oklahoma, AS; Institut Teknologi Asia, Thailand; Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Kochi, Jepang; PASCO Corporation, Jepang dan Fakultas Antropologi, Universitas Stanford, AS. Selain itu, KK ini berkontribusi aktif dalam misi pemerintah dalam mengembangkan Infrastruktur Data Spasial Nasional (NSDI) dan pemetaan nasional. KK ini merupakan salah satu kelompok keilmuan di Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian. Saat ini, rombongan beranggotakan dua belas personel, dan didukung oleh dua peneliti. Secara umum bidang keahlian kelompok riset terbagi menjadi dua cabang utama yaitu geospasial processing dan geospasial. Pengolahan geospasial mencakup fotogrametri jarak dekat, penginderaan jauh aktif, dan penginderaan jauh lingkungan; sedangkan pemodelan geospasial terdiri dari basis data spasial, perpaduan data geospasial, dan infrastruktur data spasial nasional. KK ini juga memiliki tiga sub divisi penelitian yaitu Land and Ocean Observing System (LaOOS), Geospatial Data Infrastructure System (GeoDIS) dan 3D-Modeling and Information System (3D-MODIS).