Atmospheric Science Research Group

General Information

Since 2015, Atmospheric Science Research Group has been actively involved in developing flood early warning system in Majalaya area and Bengawan Solo riverside which is supported by the government, private sector, and national/international community, and developing information systems related to atmospheric scienc such as drought prediction information system and coastal early warning system. For good measure, Atmospheric Science Research Group also participated in various national or international activities throughout 2016, e.g. National Science Olympiad (OSN) and International Earth Sciences Olympiad (IESO).Atmospheric Science Research Group’s research interest lies in physical and dynamic meteorology, climatology, hydrometeorology, meso-scale meteorology, climate change, and tropical meteorology. Basically, Atmospheric Science uses physics and mathematics supported by science and technology related to geoscience, astronomy, chemistry, instrumentation, computation, and management. Up to 2016, Atmospheric Science Research Group has contributed 56 indexed articles in the Scopus record.Atmospheric Science Research group is in charge of managing four study programs (Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral Program in Meteorology, and master program in Groundwater Engineering), and two laboratories (Meteorology Analysis Laboratory and Applied Meteorolgy Laboratory). Furthermore, this research group also manages an experimental weather forecast portal which can be accessed at

Research Group