Human and Interior Research Group

General Information

The main research interest of Human and Interior Research Group is basically any problem that occurs between human and environment, especially interior design. Basically, the application of interior design is meant to respond people’s problem in the need of good quality environment. The problem arises because of an assumption that there is disharmony between the two factors. What we study in environmental area include color, texture, pattern, lighting, sound, air temperature, air circulation, humidity, and hygiene. Meanwhile, in human area, we study physiological, psychological, cultural suitability such as anthropometri, spatial density, ergonomy, perception, emotion, cognition, behaviour towards environment (the concept of privacy, crowd, way of finding), and cultural environment.

Followings are some types the our research:

  1. Evaluative research; primarily focusing on historical/modern objects related to its functional, aesthetic, and cultural value. For example, evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of a newly-designed interior.
  2. Exploratory research; focusing on phenomenon of interaction between user (family, consumer, worker) and environment related to historical, spiritual, ideological, emotional, moral, ethical, mythical, and material value, e.g. place science, place attachment, place identity.
  3. Predictive research; focusing on predicting environment factors that can potentially be affecting human, e.g.. The effect of ambience (color, light, music, thermal, scent) to user in public space (museum, café, shop, hospital room, even color trend and other visual style).
  4. Other researches intended to investigate the effectiveness of design process, design methods, and learning process.
Research Group