Surveying and Cadastre Research Group

General Information

Previously, the research group of Surveying and Cadastre belonged to the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In 2007, the group moved to the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering. The group’s research revolves around cadastre. Cadastre is a parcel-based land information system that provides latest information concerning land, such as land rights and the limitation and responsibility of the ownership and management of the land. Generally, cadastre includes a description of geometric plot or parcel that is linked with other records such as the control and the ownership of the land. Not only that, cadastre also includes the information about the land value and any construction or project that has been done on the parcel. The record can be used for fiscal matter such as land valuation, land taxation, or for legal matter such as deed recording. The cadastre can also be used to support land management, land use, and other administrative purpose, especially the one leading to sustainable development and environmental conservation.

Top Researches :

  1. Community-based Prototype of the Conservative Restoration of Polluted River Phytoremediation in an Attempt to Improve the Land Quality in Linggar, Rancaekek, Bandung
  2. Participatory Mapping in Validating Borderline and Land Rights in Enclave Area of Rural Conservation  Zone in Masigit Kareumbi Hunting Park
  3. Study of public lands compensation in capacity and existence of abrasion and accretion (case study of Northern Coast Region, Indramayu, West Java).

Research Group