Housing And Human Settlement Research Group

General Information

Housing and Human Settlement Research Group was originated from STRAPP (Strategi Perencanaan dan Perancangan) that was established in early 1970’s to carry out studies of the development of low-cost housing in Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia. This group is a research and education pioneer in the field of housing and settlement as its basic knowledge to address issues and problems in developing countries like Indonesia.

Housing and Human Settlement Research Group develops new approaches in research and implementation of housing and settlement development in developing countries, by changing the paradigm of 'low-cost housing' to 'housing for low income people'. The paradigm is implemented in the project of KIP (Kampung Improvement Program) in Bandung, sponsored by UNEP. Housing and Human Settlement Research Group also conducts research related to the paradigm of 'empowering and enabling people' and 'sustainable environment for the community'.

Some members of this research group have become initiators for establishing the Center of Human Environment Research (PPLH) at ITB along with the Ministry of Environment, as the first developed research center for environment in Indonesia.

In accordance with ITB’s vision and mission, Housing and Human Settlement Research Group develops following research interest:

  • The process of planning and designing housing and settlement development in the context of urban and rural areas.
  • The community-based policy formulation process for built-environment and settlement in urban dan rural scale.

Top Researches:

  1. Social Harmony Approach for Urban Center Revitalization Using Right Conversion Method in Kampong Area (2015-2017)
  2. Housing-Settlement Transformation and Tourism in the Peri-Urban of Jakarta and Bandung (2016-2018)
  3. Housing Design Model for Low Income People in Urban Riverside, Case Study in Bale Endah Area (2014-2016)
  4. Flat Housing Design Model for Low Income People Based on Technical, Functional, and Social Performances (2015-2017)
Research Group