Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation Research Group

General Information

As humans, we always give meaning to anything we encounter. We often have ideas about improving something in the real world we think as problematical. However, problem situations in real life are very complex, because conditions are never static and situations also contain multiple interacting perceptions of reality. Also, problems in real life do not come to us as structured ones, that can be divided into several components as culture, politics, finance, marketing, human resource, and operations problems, rather than they are emergent properties of the interacting components. Decision-making in real life should consider this fact and develop the methodology relevant to it.

However, decision-making is often considered only as choosing the best alternative from several existing alternatives no matter unsatisfactory. They are in order to make a decision, a person in the first place must define what the problems are, and after those problems are clear, the next step is to take the optimal alternative. Accordingly, besides and indeed prior to considering alternative choices, a manager must be able to define problems systemically.

Research interest in the decision-making now focuses on real life situations, involving intuition and taking into consideration the many parties who interact with each other. In such situations, parties behave in a unique behavior, based on internal factors such as culture, experience, motivation, and interest. Furthermore these situations may involve conflict and negotiation besides the optimization of problem solving. This kind of research is very useful for Indonesian managers because Indonesia is a unique multi-cultural country. Situations often involve many conflicting parties and are very dynamic, so that it is difficult for managers in Indonesia to begin with a blueprint of what to do.

Scope of Knowledge of DMSN IG are:

  1. Normative Decision making theories (Theory of Choice, Utility Theory Expected and Subjective Expected)
  2. Behavioral decision making theories (Cognitive Psychology, Learning, Emotion, Heuristics)
  3. Systems Modeling for Policy Development (System dynamics, agent-based simulation, social network analysis, discrete event simulation)
  4. Conflict resolution & Negotiation (rational negotiation, game theory, behavioral game theory, drama theory, graph method for conflict resolution, group formation)
  5. Operations Research (Mathematical modeling, linear programming, optimization)
  6. Statistic and Quantitative Analysis (multivariate analysis, time series analysis)
  7. Service Science (Service System, Value Co-creation)
Research Group